Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm


Illinois Life Span

Illinois Life Span provides information on advocacy, supports, and services for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities statewide. Information is provided through the resources available on the website and a toll-free information line available during regular business hours.

ILS is a project of The Arc of Illinois—a statewide advocacy organization committed to empowering persons with disabilities to achieve full participation in community life through informed choices.

Illinois Lifespan

The Family Advocate Program

The Family Advocate Program has one purpose– to connect recipients of Ligas award letters seeking Home Based or CILA services and their families with family advocates who are knowledgeable about creative ways to utilize their Ligas funding to build successful lives in the community. Connect with us!

Family Support Network

Family Support Network

The mission of the Family Support Network is to unify individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for funding, services and community resources that strengthen and support the individual and the family directly by responding to their individual needs and empowering them to live in their own homes.

Family to Family Health Information Center

Family to Family Health Information Center aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Family to Family provides families tools to make informed decisions, advocates for improved public and private policies, builds partnerships among professionals and families, and serves as a trusted resource on health care.

Family to Family Health Information Center is the Illinois Chapter of the National organization, Family Voices and is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Family To Family Health Information Center

Family Transition Project

Hope is at the heart of the Family Transition Project. We encourage people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) living in large institutions (and their families) to explore the possibilities of community living. We share our own success stories in making the transition to our communities of choice and the successes of our loved ones and those of many other FTP families.



The Arc of Illinois’ coalition of people with disabilities, families and community organizations advocate each year at the state level to increase investment in community living options and transform the services and supports system. We need every person’s voice to make real change in Illinois. Each year The Arc asks stakeholders to participate in a public policy agenda setting process. Leaders of The Arc participate in legislative meetings, testify at hearings, submit testimony and create awareness in Springfield. Join us today!

Assistive Technology Fund

Assistive Technology Fund

The Arc of Illinois, through generous donations, has an Assistive Technology Fund. This will fund, or partially fund, the purchase of assistive technology for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who have received an evaluation/assessment from a qualified provider but the purchase is not subsidized by Medicaid, Medicare or Private Insurance.

Financial Assistance for Trainings

The Arc of Illinois administers The Consumer Involvement Fund Program and distributes consumer stipends to enable people with developmental disabilities and their family members to attend conferences of their choice that are directly related to developmental disability issues. This program is funded by the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.



The Training Program offers educational conferences and trainings for self-advocates, family members and professionals. The Arc of Illinois trainings always strive to share the newest and best practices to families and professionals working with individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.