Presented by STARNET Region V
The Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Human Services developed this standardized training to address the requirements of the federal law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) to ensure a smooth and effective transition process is in place for children and their families who will be transitioning from Early Intervention into Early Childhood Special Education.
This training will cover requirements regarding timeline, role responsibilities, transition process meetings, state forms, as well as vital partnerships, collaborative relationships, and positive strategies. This training has 2 parts for a total of 5.5 contact hours of credit upon completion of both parts. Following the 4.5 hours of the webinar, there is an additional hour assignment to be completed on your own time. This 1 hour includes: viewing an online module on inclusion, and completing and submitting a reflection form. The links for the module and reflection form will be provided at the webinar. You will have the 2 hours break to submit your assignment. This webinar is a full day Session. Two hours will be given for lunch and the assignment completion.